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Funky Auditions 



[spectrum: lgbt short play festival] submissions just closed.  [spectrum] auditions will be soon with a 2025 production.


AUDITIONS FOR THE HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL by Tommy Jamerson + directed by Solomon Abell


WHEN: Sunday, August 3 (4pm-6pm in PALMER LAKE)

                Monday, August 4 (6pm-8pm at MEANWHILE BLOCK)​​


WHERE: Meanwhile Block, NE corner of W. Cimarron St and Sierra Madre St (parking is accessible on norht side of the block from Costilla St). It is the building with three large garage doors. 



Please bring a headshot and resume if able.  Please prepare a contemporary comedic monologue not to exceed two minutes. If monologue can't be prepared, sides from the script will be selected by director to be read. Any questions, please send them to



All roles are available.


All ethnicities, physical abilities and gender identities are encouraged to audition.


Character Descriptions:


Cast Size:5M 6F


Frederick Lauren – Male Presenting. (50s-60s) Debonair. Wealthy. The life (and death) of the party. 

Annabelle Lauren – Female Presenting. (40s-50s) Sleek. Opinionated. A WASPy, femme fatale of sorts.

Nina Meers – Female Presenting. (20s) Mousy and timid, but cleverer than she realizes.

Lance Schroeder – Male Presenting. (20s-30s) Handsome. Relies more on his looks than his intelligence. A bit of a womanizer.

Ruth Bridges – Female Presenting. (40s-50s) Think a young Bea Arthur crossed with Hedda Hopper.

Dr. David Trent – Male Presenting. (40s-50s) Keenly intelligent but with an air of superiority.

Watson Pritchard – Male Presenting. (30s-40s) Moody. Aloof. But not without a sense of humor. The House’s owner.

Cassidy Bowman – Female Presenting. (20s) Graced with a warm disposition and kind eyes.

Rebecca Valifax/The Bride – Female Presenting. Ageless. The madam of the house. 

Louis Slides/Byron Valifax – Male Presenting. Older. The caretaker of the House. Large and menacing. Walks with a limp. Think Lurch. 

Eleanor Slides – Female Presenting. Older. The caretaker’s wife. Old and haggard. Also walks with a limp. Think Carol Kane.





Funky Little Theater Company operates by the Community Standards for Theatre for Colorado.


Click here to learn more. 



We are always seeking people who are interested in theatre outside of acting. Are you skilled in the ways of costumes, make-up, set design, light design, or prop design? Let us know!! 


Attention Playwrights:

Colorado (and Colorado Springs) Playwrights please check out our DRAMA LAB page (tab above) for local workshop opportunities for scenes or short plays. 


For more submission opportunities, visit for a list of tons of contests and other play submission opportunities with deadlines coming up this month.



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Funky Little Theater Company @ PO BOX 25911, Colorado Springs, CO 80936


Funky Little Theater Company is 501c3 NonProfit Organization and provides equal opportunity for staff, volunteers, and participants/clients and does not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identification or expression, veteran status, or any other protected status.

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